PHOTOS: West End cast of Spring Awakening reunite for London concert

On June 2, the original West End cast of Spring Awakening reunited for a special one off concert to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the show in London

Featuring Lucy May Barker as Ilse, Natasha Barnes as Anna, Harry McEntire as Ernst, Hayley Gallivan as Martha, Evelyn Hoskins as Thea, Edward Judge as Otto, Jamie Muscato as Melchior, Jos Slovick as Georg, Richard Southgate as Hanschen and Charlotte Wakefield as Wendla.

Other returning cast members included Chris Barton, Natalie Garner, Mona Goodwin and Gemma O’Duffy. They were joined by Jack Wolfe as Moritz.

Spring Awakening tells the story of adolescent anarchy, set to one of the most loved scores of the 21st century. A group of teenagers – silenced and controlled by a censorious society – discover a new world of feeling and freedom outside the classroom, with beautiful and devastating consequences.

About the author: Josh Darvill

Josh is Stageberry's editor with over five years of experience writing about theatre in the West End and across the UK. Prior to following his passion for musicals, he worked for more than a decade as a TV journalist.


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