PHOTOS: Cabaret in the West End with Rhea Norwood and Layton Williams

New production images have been released for Cabaret in the West End starring Rhea Norwood, Layton Williams, Sally Ann Triplett and Fenton Gray.

Star of the Netflix smash hit series Heartstopper Rhea Norwood now plays Sally Bowles and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie and Bad Education star Layton Williams now plays The Emcee. They are joined by Sally Ann Triplett as Fraulein Schneider and Fenton Gray as Herr Schultz.

Rhea Norwood and Layton Williams will play the roles until Saturday 21 September 2024.

About the author: Josh Darvill

Josh is Stageberry's editor with over five years of experience writing about theatre in the West End and across the UK. Prior to following his passion for musicals, he worked for more than a decade as a TV journalist.


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