Watch ‘And Now I Rise’ music video from SuperYou musical

And Now I Rise is the latest video and single from SuperYou Musical, featuring a vocal and electric violin performance by the show’s creator, Lourds Lane.

The song is sung by Rise, a socially awkward misfit superhero in SuperYou Musical who learns to embrace all of who she is with her mantra, “If I can’t fix it, I will feature it!”

This anthem resonates with anyone who has ever been bullied, felt “othered,” or doesn’t feel like they fit in. It captures the essence of SuperYou Musical’s core themes of resilience and self-love.

The diverse cast of about 100 individuals in the music video are all real people playing themselves, including those who are LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent, differently abled, navigating various mental health issues, and those who have experienced racism, sexual abuse, trafficking, addiction, ageism, sexism, depression, and crippling grief. Collectively, they have learned to embrace who they are and wear their ‘scars with pride.’

Every person in the cast was interviewed about their “pain to power” stories. Their real-life experiences are shared weekly in an inspiring video series on the SuperYou Musical social channels called “SuperYouman Stories” on #SUPERYOUSUNDAY.

SuperYou runs at Curve 22 October to 9 November and tickets are now on general sale.

About the author: Josh Darvill

Josh is Stageberry's editor with over five years of experience writing about theatre in the West End and across the UK. Prior to following his passion for musicals, he worked for more than a decade as a TV journalist.


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